Welcome to MaRWA
Learning mathematics is a key fundamental in every education system that aims to prepare its citizens for a productive life in the 21st century. As a nation, the development of a highly-skilled and well-educated manpower is critical to support an innovation- and technology-driven economy. A strong grounding in mathematics and a talent pool in mathematics are essential to support the wide range of value-added economic activities and innovations. Many countries are paying attention to the quality of their mathematics education.
Report Example
SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Mathematics provides report of MaRWA project. Click read more To find out the example of MaRWA report.
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While TIMSS test student’s competencies in mathematics, MaRWA is aimed to test students’s readiness in learning mathematics in SEA region.
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Test Item Development
MaRWA is expected to be a valid and reliable assessment for grade 5, 8, and 10 students in Southeast Asia. SEAQiM developed test item of MaRWA which feature basic skills..
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After being developed, SEAQiM conducted test item try-out in some sample schools before they are assembled into a live assessment. After being developed, SEAQiM conducted test..
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To test the quality of MaRWA test items, SEAQiM conducted an analysis. In the process of analysis, we collected, summarize, and used information...
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