Data analysis and Dissemination 2019

In 2019, the data processing and analysis of MaRWA results has been carried out. Furthermore, the results of the data analysis have also been reported at each relevant institution. The results of the MaRWA analysis have also been disseminated to teachers, especially for elementary, junior and senior high school teachers in Sleman, Yogyakarta.

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MaRWA 2018

In 2018 MaRWA tests have been carried out for students in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Cambodia online. Following are complete data on the number of schools and students participating in the MaRWA 2018. Number of participants of MaRWA 2018 Grade Country Number of School participated Number of Students 5 Indonesia 26 819 Thailand 4 […]

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MaRWA Online 2017

MaRWA (Online) RESULT 2017 Participants GRADE SCHOOLS NUMBER OF STUDENTS TOTAL 5 SD Budi Mulia Yogyakarta 12 12 8 SMP Budi Utama Yogyakarta 71 99 SMP N 2 Ciamis Jawa Barat 28 10 SMA 1 Semarang Jawa Tengah 28 110 SMA 1 Babussalam Pekanbaru 30 SMK N 1 Cimahi Jawa Barat 52 RESULT FOR GRADE […]

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Test Item Analysis

To test the quality of MaRWA test items, SEAQiM conducted an analysis. In the process of analysis, we collected, summarize, and used information from respondents’ response which was gathered during the try out.  The test item analysis focused on item difficulty and item discrimination.  Item difficulty expresses the proportion or percentage of respondents who correctly […]

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Test Item Try-out

After being developed, SEAQiM conducted test item try-out in some sample schools before they are assembled into a live assessment. The try-out is to make sure that MaRWA test item is functioning as expected to diagnose the readiness of grade 5, 8, and 10 students in learning mathematics. The implementation of the try out was […]

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Test Item Development

MaRWA is expected to be a valid and reliable assessment for grade 5, 8, and 10 students in Southeast Asia. SEAQiM developed test item of MaRWA which feature basic skills and high order thinking skill mathematics questions in accordance with students’ grade. For that reason, we undertook strict steps in developing the test items which […]

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New test items development in 2016

In order to enrich the MaRWA programme, SEAQiM developed new item banks of MaRWA for Year 5, Year 8, and Year 10 students. Each grade consists of two sets of items. The items were developed on March – May 2016 and try-out have been implemented in some schools in Indonesia through both paper and pencil […]

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Seminar MaRWA 2015

The Seminar on Mathematics Regional Wide Assessment was conducted on the 16th of June 2015 with a total of 60 teachers attending. The opening ceremony was held at Gamma hall CDEMPTEP and continued with an online MaRWA simulation. After the tea break 2 parallel sessions were held, with 33 primary school teachers continuing in the […]

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Extended try-out at some schools in SEA countries in 2014

In 2014, MARWA was conducted in Southeast Asia region, Cambodia, Vietnam, Timor Leste, The Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia (including schools in Singapore, Myanmar, and Malaysia). The following table shows the participating countries in MARWA. No Venue Date School Participants 1 Kuala Lumpur 28-31 October 2014 Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur Year 5: 39 respondents Year 8: […]

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Item test piloting in selected SEA countries in 2013

In this fiscal year, 6 RWA Trials had been held. These trials were held in 6 different places, 3 in Indonesia and 3 from other countries.  No Venue Date  School  Participants 1 Lombok 26 s.d. 28 Agustus 2013 SD 9 Ampenan, SD Ampenan 3, SMP 4 Kopang 103 respondents + RWA Data  2 Padang 12-13 […]

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